About The Medical Condition Solute Carrier Family 22 (Organic Anion Transporter), Member 6


Find the definition of the medical term Solute Carrier Family 22 (Organic Anion Transporter), Member 6. Solute Carrier Family 22 (Organic Anion Transporter), Member 6 defined and explained for easy understanding at the Medical Conditions from ClusterMed.info.

Solute Carrier Family 22 (Organic Anion Transporter), Member 6

Solute Carrier Family 22 (Organic Anion Transporter), Member 6 Medical Condition Defined & Explained
Solute Carrier Family 22 (Organic Anion Transporter), Member 6 Medical Condition

What's The Definition Of The Medical Condition Solute Carrier Family 22 (Organic Anion Transporter), Member 6?

A polyspecific transporter for organic cations found primarily in the kidney. It mediates the coupled exchange of alpha-ketoglutarate with organic ions such as P-AMINOHIPPURIC ACID.

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