About The Medical Condition Somatotropin Hypersecretion Syndrome (Acromegaly)


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Somatotropin Hypersecretion Syndrome (Acromegaly)

Somatotropin Hypersecretion Syndrome (Acromegaly) Medical Condition Defined & Explained
Somatotropin Hypersecretion Syndrome (Acromegaly) Medical Condition

What's The Definition Of The Medical Condition Somatotropin Hypersecretion Syndrome (Acromegaly)?

A disorder caused by excessive secretion of SOMATOTROPIN, characterized by bony enlargement of the face (especially prognathism), hands, feet, head, and thorax. Impaired glucose tolerance; HYPERTENSION; ARTHRITIS; diffuse hyperplasia of soft tissues; CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME; visceromegaly; and MUSCULAR WEAKNESS are frequently associated with this condition. The most common etiology is a somatotropin secreting pituitary ADENOMA (see also PITUITARY NEOPLASMS). (From Joynt, Clinical Neurology, 1992, Ch36, pp79-80)

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