About The Word Pontine Tumors


Find the definition of the medical term Pontine Tumors. Pontine Tumors defined and explained for easy understanding at the Medical Dictionary from ClusterMed.info.

Pontine Tumors

Pontine Tumors Definition & Meaning
Pontine Tumors Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Medical Term Pontine Tumors?

Benign and malignant intra-axial tumors of the MESENCEPHALON; PONS; or MEDULLA OBLONGATA of the BRAIN STEM. Primary and metastatic neoplasms may occur in this location. Clinical features include ATAXIA, cranial neuropathies (see CRANIAL NERVE DISEASES), NAUSEA, hemiparesis (see HEMIPLEGIA), and quadriparesis. Primary brain stem neoplasms are more frequent in children. Histologic subtypes include GLIOMA; HEMANGIOBLASTOMA; GANGLIOGLIOMA; and EPENDYMOMA.

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