About Acute Hepatitis B (Hepatitis B)
Learn about the disease, illness and/or condition Acute Hepatitis B (Hepatitis B) including: symptoms, causes, treatments, contraindications and conditions at ClusterMed.info.
Acute Hepatitis B (Hepatitis B)
Acute Hepatitis B (Hepatitis B) |
Acute Hepatitis B (Hepatitis B) InformationHepatitis B facts
How is hepatitis B diagnosed?Infection with hepatitis B is suspected when the medical history and the physical examination reveal risk factors for the infection or symptoms and signs that are suggestive of hepatitis B. Abnormalities in the liver tests (blood tests) also can raise suspicion; however, abnormal liver tests can result from many conditions that affect the liver. The diagnosis of hepatitis B can be made only with specific hepatitis B virus blood tests. These tests are known as hepatitis 'markers' or 'serologies.'Markers found in the blood can confirm hepatitis B infection and differentiate acute from chronic infection. These markers are substances produced by the hepatitis B virus (antigens) and antibodies produced by the immune system to fight the virus. Hepatitis B virus has three antigens for which there are commonly-used tests - the surface antigen (HBsAg), the core antigen (HBcAg) and the e antigen (HBeAg).HBsAg and anti-HBsThe presence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) in the blood indicates that the patient is currently infected with the virus. HBsAg appears an average of four weeks after initial exposure to the virus. Individuals who recover from acute hepatitis B infections clear the blood of HBsAg within approximately four months after the onset of symptoms. These individuals develop antibodies to HBsAg (anti-HBs). Anti-HBs provides complete immunity to subsequent hepatitis B viral infection. Similarly, individuals who are successfully vaccinated against hepatitis B produce anti-HBs in the blood.Patients who fail to clear the virus during an acute episode develop chronic hepatitis B. The diagnosis of chronic hepatitis B is made when the HBsAg is present in the blood for at least six months. In chronic hepatitis B, HBsAg can be detected for many years, and anti-HBs does not appear.Anti-HBcIn acute hepatitis, a specific class of early antibodies (IgM) appears that is directed against the hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc IgM). Later, another class of antibody, anti-HBc IgG, develops and persists for life, regardless of whether the individual recovers or develops chronic infection. Only anti-HBc IgM can be used to diagnose an acute hepatitis B infection.HBeAg, anti-HBe, and pre-core mutationsHepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) is present when the hepatitis B virus is actively multiplying, whereas the production of the antibody, anti-HBe, (also called HBeAg seroconversion) signifies a more inactive state of the virus and a lower risk of transmission.In some individuals infected with hepatitis B virus, the genetic material for the virus has undergone a structural change, called a pre-core mutation. This mutation results in an inability of the hepatitis B virus to produce HBeAg, even though the virus is actively reproducing. This means that even though no HBeAg is detected in the blood of people with the mutation, the hepatitis B virus is still active in these people and they can infect others.Hepatitis B virus DNAThe best marker of hepatitis B virus reproduction is the level of hepatitis B virus DNA in the blood. Detection of hepatitis B virus DNA in a blood sample signals that the virus is actively multiplying. In acute hepatitis, HBV DNA is present soon after infection, but is eliminated over time in patients' who clear the infection. In chronic hepatitis, levels of HBV DNA often continue to be elevated for many years and then decrease as the immune system controls the virus. HBV DNA levels are sometimes referred to as the 'viral load'.How are the hepatitis B blood tests interpreted?The following table gives the usual interpretation for sets of results from hepatitis B blood (serological) tests.Most Likely Status*TestsResultsSusceptible, not infected, not immuneHBsAganti-HBcanti-HBsnegativenegativenegativeImmune due to natural infectionHBsAganti-HBcanti-HBsnegativepositivepositiveImmune due to hepatitis B vaccinationHBsAganti-HBcanti-HBSnegativenegativepositiveAcutely infectedHBsAganti-HBcIgM anti-HBcanti-HBspositivepositivepositivenegativeChronically infectedHBsAganti-HBcIgM anti-HBcanti-HBspositivepositivenegativenegative*Interpretation of the hepatitis B virus blood tests should always be made by an experienced clinician with knowledge of the patient's medical history, physical examination, and results of the standard liver blood tests. Other conditions present in a patient can alter the way these test results are interpreted. How is the hepatitis B virus spread (transmitted)?Hepatitis B is spread mainly by exposure to infected blood or body secretions. In infected individuals, the virus can be found in the blood, semen, vaginal discharge, breast milk, and saliva. Hepatitis B is not spread through food, water, or by casual contact. In the United States, sexual contact is the most common means of transmission, followed by using contaminated needles for injecting illicit drugs, tattooing, body piercing, or acupuncture. Additionally, hepatitis B can be transmitted through sharing toothbrushes and razors contaminated with infected fluids or blood. Hepatitis B also may be spread from infected mothers to their babies at birth (so-called 'vertical' transmission). This is the most prevalent means of transmission in regions of the world where hepatitis B rates are high. The rate of transmission of hepatitis B from mother to newborn is very high, and almost all infected infants will develop chronic hepatitis B. Fortunately, transmission can be significantly reduced through immunoprophylaxis (see below). Rarely, hepatitis B can be transmitted through transfused blood products, donated livers and other organs. However, blood and organ donors are routinely screened for hepatitis which typically prevents this type of transmission. What about co-infection with hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus?Hepatitis C is caused by a virus that is spread through contaminated needles or blood products and, less commonly, through sexual intercourse. About 10% of patients with chronic hepatitis B also are co-infected chronically with hepatitis C virus (HCV). The two viruses interfere with each other and one usually predominates. If hepatitis C is the predominant infection, treatment is directed against the hepatitis C. Patients infected with both viruses are at higher risk for complications of liver disease. There is no effective vaccine against hepatitis C. People with hepatitis C should be vaccinated against hepatitis B to prevent co-infection. What are the effects of alcohol on hepatitis B?Agents that damage the liver are particularly harmful in patients who already have hepatitis B. For this reason, it is recommended that people with hepatitis B avoid drinking alcohol. What are the effects of immunosuppressive medications on hepatitis B?Even in people with chronic hepatitis B, the immune system is working to suppress the virus. Medications that suppress the immune system allow the virus to reproduce in large numbers and may cause the hepatitis to flare. Examples of medications that suppress the immune system are:
What are the symptoms of acute hepatitis B?Acute hepatitis B is the period of illness that occurs during the first one to four months after acquiring the virus. Only 30% to 50% of adults develop significant symptoms during acute infection. Early symptoms may be non-specific, including fever, a flu-like illness, and joint pains. Symptoms of acute hepatitis may include:
What are the symptoms of chronic hepatitis B?The liver is a vital organ that has many functions. These include a role in the immune system, production of clotting factors, producing bile for digestion; storing nutrients including sugars, fats and minerals for use by the body later; processing medications; and breaking down toxic substances. Patients with chronic hepatitis B develop symptoms in proportion to the degree of abnormalities in these functions. The signs and symptoms of chronic hepatitis B vary widely depending on the severity of the liver damage. They range from few and relatively mild signs and symptoms to signs and symptoms of severe liver disease (cirrhosis or liver failure).Most individuals with chronic hepatitis B remain symptom free for many years or decades. During this time, the patient's liver function blood tests usually are normal or only mildly abnormal. Some patients may deteriorate and develop inflammation or symptoms, putting them at risk for developing cirrhosis.Cirrhosis of the liver due to hepatitis BInflammation from chronic hepatitis B can progress to cirrhosis (severe scarring) of the liver. Significant amounts of scarring and cirrhosis lead to liver dysfunction.Symptoms may include:
What can be done to prevent hepatitis B?Hepatitis B is a preventable disease. Vaccination and post-exposure prophylaxis have significantly reduced rates of infection. Risk can also be reduced by avoiding unprotected sex, contaminated needles, and other sources of infection.How effective is vaccination for hepatitis B?The hepatitis B vaccine contains a protein (antigen) that stimulates the body to make protective antibodies. Examples of hepatitis B vaccines available in the United States include hepatitis B vaccine-injection (Engerix-B, Recombivax-HB). Three doses (given at 0, 1, and 6 months) are necessary to assure protection. There are also combination vaccines on the market that provide protection against hepatitis B and other diseases.Examples include:
What happens in co-infection with hepatitis B virus and HIV?The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B virus are transmitted in similar ways, and it is not uncommon for an individual to have both infections. People with HIV who acquire hepatitis B are more likely to become chronically infected with hepatitis B than people who do not have HIV. The reason for this is thought to be that HIV suppresses the immune system and impairs the ability of the body to eliminate the hepatitis B virus. Some nucleoside/nucleotide analogues (a class of antiretroviral drugs) are used to treat both HIV and hepatitis B, although dosages may vary in the two different infections. Stopping one of these agents when the HIV regimen is adjusted may cause hepatitis to flare. What is delta hepatitis?Delta hepatitis is caused by a virus that only infects people who already have hepatitis B. The delta hepatitis virus (also known as hepatitis D or HDV) is an RNA virus, meaning that its genetic material is made up of ribonucleic acid. It is spread through exposure to contaminated blood, especially with illicit, intravenous drug use, and by sexual contact. Delta hepatitis can be acquired at the same time as acute hepatitis B. When this happens, infected people are quite sick but more than 95% are eventually able to eliminate the viruses from their bodies. People who already have chronic hepatitis B can acquire delta hepatitis as well. This often causes severe inflammation of the liver, and the viruses are less likely to be cleared. Delta hepatitis makes chronic hepatitis B much worse. It increases the risk of complications, especially cirrhosis, which occurs in up to two-thirds of patients. There is no vaccine against delta hepatitis. Interferon treatment may cause improvement in the hepatitis, but relapse is common after therapy is stopped. Prevention includes avoiding contaminated needles and practicing safer sex (abstaining or limiting the number of partners, using barrier methods of contraception). Universal vaccination of newborns with hepatitis B vaccine effectively prevents delta hepatitis because the delta hepatitis virus only causes disease in the presence of hepatitis B virus. What is hepatitis?The term 'hepatitis' simply means inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis may be caused by a variety of viruses or other infections, medications, or a toxin such as alcohol. Hepatitis viruses that can cause injury to liver cells in addition to hepatitis B include the hepatitis A and hepatitis C viruses. These viruses are not related to each other or to the hepatitis B virus, and they differ in their structure, the ways they are spread among individuals, the severity of symptoms they can cause, the way they are treated, and the outcome of the infection. Other hepatitis viruses (hepatitis D, hepatitis E, and hepatitis G) cause disease much less commonly.Other viruses that infect the liver but which are not specifically "hepatitis viruses" include Epstein-Barr virus (EBV, the virus that causes mononucleosis) and cytomegalovirus (CMV).What is the scope of the problem?Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It is estimated that 2 billion people worldwide have evidence of current or past hepatitis B infection, including more than 250 million chronic carriers and more than 600,000 deaths worldwide each year. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 19,000 new cases of hepatitis B occurred in the United States in 2013.In the United States, rates of new infection were highest among people aged 25 to 44 years (3.1 cases per 100,000 population) and lowest among those younger than 15 years of age (0.02 per 100,000). This reflects the major modes of transmission of hepatitis B (sexual transmission, illicit drug use, exposure to infected blood) and the effect of universal vaccination of infants. In the United States, there has been a 82% decrease in newly diagnosed cases of hepatitis B since 1990. This decrease is attributed to increased vaccination and to heightened public awareness of HIV/AIDS and the resulting safer sexual practices.When a person first gets hepatitis B, they are said to have an 'acute' infection. Most people are able to eliminate the virus and are cured of the infection. Some are not able to clear the virus and have 'chronic' infection with hepatitis B that is usually life-long (see below). In the United States an estimated 2.2 million people are chronically infected with hepatitis B.Hepatitis B is found throughout the world. Some countries have much higher rates of infection than the United States; for example, in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, as many as 15% to 20% of adults are chronically infected with hepatitis B.What kind of a virus is hepatitis B?The hepatitis B virus is a DNA virus, meaning that its genetic material is made up of deoxyribonucleic acids. It belongs to a family of viruses known as Hepadnaviridae. The virus is primarily found in the liver but is also present in the blood and certain body fluids.Hepatitis B virus consists of a core particle (central portion) and a surrounding envelope (outer coat). The core is made up of DNA and the core antigen (HBcAg). The envelope contains the surface antigen (HBsAg). These antigens are present in the blood and are markers that are used in the diagnosis and evaluation of patients with suspected viral hepatitis.How does hepatitis B virus cause liver injury?The hepatitis B virus reproduces in liver cells, but the virus itself is not the direct cause of damage to the liver. Rather, the presence of the virus triggers an immune response from the body as the body tries to eliminate the virus and recover from the infection. This immune response causes inflammation and may seriously injure liver calls. Therefore, there is a balance between the protective and destructive effects of the immune response to the hepatitis B virus. What is new in the treatment of hepatitis B?New agents are under development to treat hepatitis B. Many of these are nucleoside/nucleotide analogues that investigators hope will be more effective than older agents. Experts also are working on treatment guidelines and the use of multi-drug therapy. Vaccination remains the key to preventing hepatitis B and holds the most promise for reducing disease burden. What is the natural course of chronic hepatitis B?The course of chronic hepatitis B is variable and depends on several factors. These factors are the patient's age at which the infection began, the extent of viral multiplication, and the immune system's ability to control the infection. The infection can progress from an:
What is the role of a liver biopsy in chronic hepatitis B?During a liver biopsy, a small sample of liver tissue is collected and examined under the microscope. This test is valuable because this sample reflects the health of the liver. It can show the amount of liver injury (inflammation or cirrhosis). Liver biopsy is not routinely needed to diagnose hepatitis B, but it is used for monitoring the progression of liver damage in people with chronic hepatitis and helping to choose or evaluate treatment options. What is the role of liver transplantation in hepatitis B?Liver transplantation has been successful in patients who have irreversible, life-threatening complications of hepatitis B. This includes patients with liver failure due to end-stage cirrhosis or unusually severe (fulminant) hepatitis. Liver transplantation does not cure hepatitis B, and hepatitis may occur in the new liver. The incidence of recurrent hepatitis has been reduced to less than 10% through use of lamivudine and HBIG in transplant recipients. Use of these agents has also improved long-term survival, with 75% of patients alive after five years. What medications are used to treat hepatitis B?Acute infectionAcute infection with hepatitis B usually does not require treatment. In rare cases, however, the infection may cause life-threatening liver failure. Patients with liver failure due to acute hepatitis B should be evaluated for liver transplantation. Chronic infectionIf a person is chronically infected with hepatitis B and has few signs or symptoms of complications, medications usually are not used. These patients are watched carefully and given periodic blood tests. One test measures the 'viral load,' that is, the amount of viral DNA in the blood. Doctors will recommend treatment if there are signs that the virus is beginning to cause damage or if the viral load is high. Another reason to prescribe medication is if the patient has a positive test for the Hepatitis B e-antigen (HBeAg) in the blood. HBeAg is associated with an increased risk of progression of liver disease and its complications.In chronic hepatitis B, the goal of treatment is to reduce the risk of complications including cirrhosis and liver failure. However, it takes decades for complications to occur, which makes it difficult to study the effect of medications. As a substitute for waiting years to find out what happens, scientists have used tests like the viral load or liver function tests to evaluate if medicines are working. This is logical because it is known that people who have large amounts of the virus in their blood are at highest risk to get cirrhosis. Up to one-third of people with very high viral loads (more than one million viral copies per milliliter of blood) will develop cirrhosis over a decade, compared to only 4.5% of those with low viral loads (fewer than 300 viral copies per milliliter).Medications can reduce the number of viruses in the body and may be able to eliminate the virus from the bloodstream. Logically, this should lead to them having a low rate of progression to cirrhosis ( |
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