X Diseases & Illnesses
Research diseases starting with the letter X. All X diseases and illnesses informational pages include; symptoms, causes, treatments, contraindications and conditions for easy understanding.
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Diseases & Illnesses Definitions Of The Day
- Cancer of the Peritoneum (Mesothelioma) ‐ How is mesothelioma diagnosed?, How long does it take after asbestos exposure for mesothelioma to show up? …
- Eyebrow Lift (Brow Lift Cosmetic Surgery) ‐ Does My Health Insurance Cover This Procedure?, How do I prepare for brow lift surgery? …
- Senior Sex ‐ Am I too old to worry about safe sex?, Can emotions play a part? …
- NMO (Devic's Syndrome) ‐ How is neuromyelitis optica diagnosed?, Neuromyelitis optica facts* …
- Giant Platelet Syndrome (Bernard-Soulier Disease) ‐ How is Bernard-Soulier syndrome diagnosed?, Is there a cure for Bernard-Soulier syndrome? …
- Hemoglobin A1c Test ‐ Hemoglobin A1c conversion chart (HbA1c chart), Hemoglobin A1c definition and facts …
- Halitosis (Bad Breath) ‐
- Hair Loss ‐ Can itchy scalp cause hair loss?, Hair loss facts, How do people prevent hair loss? …
- Kit, Earthquake (Earthquake Supplies Kit and Emergency Preparedness) ‐ Automobiles, Being prepared for an earthquake, Earthquake evacuation plans …
- Acute Pancreatitis (Pancreatitis) ‐