About Electron Beam Computerized Tomography
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Electron Beam Computerized Tomography
Electron Beam Computerized Tomography |
Electron Beam Computerized Tomography InformationElectron Beam (Ultrafast) CT (EBCT) IntroductionEBCT, also called calcium-score screening heart scan, is a test used to detect calcium deposits found in atherosclerotic plaque in the coronary arteries of heart disease patients. State-of-the-art computerized tomography (CT) methods, such as this one, are the most effective way to detect coronary calcification from atherosclerosis, before symptoms develop. More coronary calcium means more coronary atherosclerosis, suggesting a greater likelihood of significant narrowing somewhere in the coronary system and a higher risk of future cardiovascular problems. Your doctor uses the calcium-score screening heart scan to evaluate risk for future coronary artery disease. Because there are certain forms of coronary disease, such as "soft plaque" atherosclerosis, that escape detection during this CT scan, it is important to remember that this test is not absolute in predicting your risk for a life-threatening event, such as a heart attack. Your doctor may also order a coronary CT angiogram (CTA) to look directly at the arteries of the heart. With the CTA, pictures of your coronary arteries are made. This is regularly performed in addition to a heart CT scan now. How Should I Prepare for a Heart CT Scan?You may continue to take any medications but should avoid caffeine and smoking for four hours before the test. CT scanners use X-rays. For your safety, the amount of radiation exposure is kept to a minimum. But, because X-rays can harm a developing fetus, this procedure is not recommended if you are pregnant. Tell your technologist and your doctor if you are:
Is the Heart CT Scan Covered by Insurance?Because this CT scan is a screening examination, it is not currently covered under most insurance companies and Medicare. Therefore, you will likely be responsible for all involved costs at the time of the exam. The examination cost is about $350.00 and includes all lab, technical, medical and professional interpretation charges. WebMD Medical Reference What Can I Expect During a Heart CT Scan?During the CT scan of your heart:
What Happens After a Heart CT Scan?You may continue all normal activities and eat as usual after the heart CT scan. The results of the scan will be reviewed. The following information will be obtained:
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