About Electrophysiology Test
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Electrophysiology Test
Electrophysiology Test |
Electrophysiology Test InformationElectrophysiology Testing IntroductionAn electrophysiology (EP) study is a test that records the electrical activity and the electrical pathways of your heart. This test is used to help determine the cause of your heart rhythm disturbance and the best treatment for you. During the EP study, your doctor will safely reproduce your abnormal heart rhythm and then may give you different medications to see which one controls it best or to determine the best procedure or device to treat your heart rhythm. How Should I Prepare for The EP Study?
What Can I Expect During the Electrophysiology Study?
What Happens After the EP Study?The doctor will remove the catheters from your groin and apply pressure to the site, to prevent bleeding. You will be on bed rest for about one to two hours. An EP study can be frightening, but this test allows the doctor to decide the best treatment for you. In many cases, EP testing and the therapy following can greatly reduce the likelihood of spontaneous arrhythmia. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask your doctor or nurse. WebMD Medical Reference Why Do I Need an EP Test?An electrophysiology study is used:
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