About Head Injury

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Head Injury

Head Injury |
Head Injury InformationHead injury facts
Head injury introductionWhile head injuries are one of the most common causes of death and disability in the United States. A majority of patients with head injuries are treated and released from the emergency room.Blows to the head most often cause brain injury, but shaking may also cause damage. The face and jaw are located in the front of the head, and brain injury may also be associated with injuries to these structures. It is also important to note that a head injury does not always mean that there is also a brain injury.The brain is a soft and pliable material, almost jelly-like in feel, and is surrounded by a thin layer of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The brain is lined by thin layers of tissue called the meninges; 1) the pia mater, 2) the arachnoid mater, and 3) the dura mater. The cerebrospinal fluid is present in the space beneath the arachnoid layer called the subarachnoid space.The dura mater is very thick and has septae, or partitions, that help support the brain within the skull. The septae attach to the inner lining of the bones of the skull. The dura mater also helps support the large veins that return blood from the brain to the heart.The spaces between the meninges are usually very small but they can fill with blood when trauma occurs, and this buildup of blood can potentially press into the brain tissue and cause damage.The skull protects the brain from trauma but it does not absorb any of the impact from a blow. Direct blows may cause fractures of the skull. There can be a contusion or bruising and bleeding to the brain tissue directly beneath the injury site. However, the brain can bounce around, or slosh, inside the skull and because of this, the brain injury may not necessarily be located directly below the trauma site. A contre-coup injury describes the situation in which the initial blow causes the brain to bounce away from that blow and is damaged by hitting the skull directly opposite the trauma site. Acceleration/deceleration and rotation are the common types of forces that can cause injuries away from the area of the skull that received the trauma.Picture of the brain and potential brain injury areas Picture of the brain and potential brain injury areas.Head injuries due to bleeding are often classified by the location of the blood within the skull.
How can a head injury be prevented?Prevention is the best way to treat a head injury.
How is a head injury diagnosed?As with most injuries and illnesses, finding out what happened to the patient is very important. The health care professional will take a history of the events. The information may be provided by the patient, people who witnessed the event, emergency medical personnel, and if applicable, the police. The circumstances are very important since it is important to find out the severity and intensity of the trauma sustained by the head. Please be aware, even small head bumps or shaking can cause a brain injury. Physical examination begins with assessing the ABCs (airway, breathing, circulation) to make certain that the patient is stable and does not need emergent life-saving interventions. This is especially important in those patients who are unconscious and may not be able to maintain their own airway or breathe on their own. If the patient is not fully awake, the examination will initially try to determine the level of coma. The Glasgow Coma Scale number is useful in tracking whether the patient is improving or declining in function over time. If no other injuries are found on examining the body, attention will be paid to the head and the neurologic exam. The skull may be examined for signs of trauma, including bruising (contusion) and swelling (hematoma). Palpating or feeling the skull may find evidence of a fracture. If a laceration is present, it is important to know if there is a broken bone beneath it. The face may be examined as well, since the face provides protection to the front of the head. The health care professional may also examine the patient for evidence of a basilar skull fracture, in which an injury has occurred to the bones that support the brain. Signs of this type of fracture include:
How is a head injury treated?The treatment of a head injury depends upon the type of injury. For patients with minor head injuries (concussions), nothing more may be needed other than observation and symptom control. Headache may require pain medication. Nausea and vomiting may require medications to control these symptoms. Bleeding Intracerebral bleeding or bleeding in the spaces surrounding the brain are neurosurgical emergencies, although not all bleeding requires an operation. The decision to operate will be individualized based upon the injury and the patient's medical status. One option may include craniotomy, drilling a hole into the skull or removing part of one of the skull bones to remove or drain a blood clot, and thereby relieve pressure on brain tissue. Other times, the treatment is supportive, and there may be a need to monitor the pressure within the brain. The neurosurgeon may place a pressure monitor through a drilled hole through the skull to monitor the pressure. The slang term for this procedure is "placing a bolt." Supportive care is often required for those patients with significant amounts of bleeding in their brain and who are in coma. Many times, the patient requires intubation to help control breathing and to protect them from vomiting and aspirating vomit into the lungs. Medications may be used to sedate the patient for comfort and to prevent injury if the bleeding causes combativeness. Medications may also be used to try to control swelling in the brain if necessary. What about a head injury in infants and young children?A minor head injury in an infant is described by the American Academy of Pediatrics as the following, "A history or physical signs of blunt trauma to the scalp, skull, or brain in an infant or child who is alert or awakens to voice or light touch." In children and infants younger than 2 years of age, it is more difficult to assess their mental status and guidelines that work for adults do not necessarily apply to this age group. The Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) has developed an algorithm that helps decide when a CT scan of the head might be appropriate. For children younger than 2 years of age: CT scan is recommended for those patients with a Glasgow Coma Scale of less than 15, altered mental status, or a palpable skull fracture. For those with a Glasgow Coma Scale of 15 but with an occipital, temporal, or parietal hematoma (that is swelling on the back or side of the head), significant trauma, or loss of consciousness for greater than 5 seconds, or for those not acting normally according to their parents, a CT scan may be considered based upon the following:
What are the causes of head injury?By definition, trauma is required to cause a head injury, but that trauma does not necessarily need to be violent. Falling down a few steps or falling into a hard object may be enough to cause damage. Motor vehicle crashes account for about 17% of traumatic brain injuries, while 35% are from falls. The majority of head injuries occur in males. Penetrating head injuries describe those situations in which the injury occurs due to a projectile, for example a bullet, or when an object is impaled though the skull into the brain. Closed head injuries refer to injuries in which no lacerations are present. The brain may also be injured without a direct blow to the skull. The head sits on the neck allowing it to shake, causing the brain to slosh inside the skull and become injured. What are the symptoms of a head injury?The symptoms of head injury can vary from almost none to loss of consciousness and coma. As well, the symptoms may not necessarily occur immediately at the time of injury. While a brain injury occurs at the time of trauma, it may take time for enough swelling or bleeding to occur to cause symptoms that are recognizable. Initial symptoms may include a change in mental status, meaning an alteration in the wakefulness of the patient. There may be loss of consciousness, lethargy, and confusion. Head injury symptoms may also include:
What is the Glasgow Coma Scale?The Glasgow Coma Scale was developed to provide health care practitioners a simple way of measuring the depth of coma based upon observations of eye opening, speech, and movement. Patients in the deepest level of coma:
What is the prognosis for a head injury?The goal for the treatment of any patient is to return to the level of function that they had prior to the injury. This maybe a challenge with head injury, and the return of function depends upon the severity of the injury to the brain. When should I contact a doctor about a head injury?It is not normal to be unconscious or not fully awake. Emergency medical services (call 9-1-1 in your areas if it is available) should be activated for persons who have sustained an injury. Because head injuries may also be associated with neck injuries, victims should not be moved unless they are in harm's way. If possible, it is important to wait for trained medical personnel to help with immobilizing and moving the patient. If the patient is awake and feeling normal, it may be worthwhile seeking medical care if there was significant trauma. These patients may be considered to have minor head injury or concussion, and there is a significant amount of research that has been done to decide which persons with head injury should be admitted to the hospital for observation or have a CT (computerized tomography) scan of the head to look for bleeding. While there are many guidelines from which to choose, recent literature suggests that any of them work well to help a physician decide who might have a brain injury associated with a head injury. These guidelines apply to people ages 16 to 65 who are fully awake and have a Glasgow Coma Scale of 15. Potential brain injury may exist if the patient had any of the following:
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