About Pregnancy and Acid Reflux (Heartburn and Pregnancy)
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Pregnancy and Acid Reflux (Heartburn and Pregnancy)
Pregnancy and Acid Reflux (Heartburn and Pregnancy) |
Pregnancy and Acid Reflux (Heartburn and Pregnancy) Information15 ways to soothe heartburn during pregnancyThe management of heartburn or GERD during pregnancy involves many of the same principles as management in of heartburn or GERD in women who are not pregnant, and the general population that suffers from GERD. Specifically, the so-called "lifestyle" changes should be meticulously followed. to help relieve heartburn symptoms. Heartburn symptoms include a burning feeling in the chest, hoarseness, cough, sore throat, or tooth damage (acid eats the enamel on teeth). In this information are some home remedies that can reduce or eliminate heartburn symptoms. Avoid tight clothingAvoid tight clothing, which puts pressure on your abdomen and can aggravate reflux. Bend rightDon't bend at the waist; bend at the knees instead. Chew gumChewing gum may be helpful in providing relief from heartburn. Chewing gum stimulates saliva, which contains bicarbonate. The saliva and bicarbonate are swallowed, and the bicarbonate neutralizes the acid that has backed up (refluxed) into the esophagus. Cut out large amounts of liquidsTry not to drink large amounts of liquids after the last meal of the day because the more empty the stomach is at bedtime, the less likely there will be reflux of acid. Don't bend over after eatingAfter meals avoid activities that require you to bend over. Instead take a short walk, do light housework, or surf the internet to avoid bending over. Don't eat so fast!Slow down when you eat. Eating too quickly can lead to heartburn. Eating slowly can keep you from becoming too full, which can also result in heartburn. Don't smokePregnant women should not smoke. In addition to harming the fetus, smoking weakens the lower esophageal sphincter and aggravates acid reflux. Eat small, frequent mealsFrequent, small meals should be eaten rather than three large meals, and the last meal of the day should be early in the evening at least three hours before bedtime. Women who are pregnant and have heartburn should not lie down soon after a meal. Eat yogurt or drink milkEating yogurt or drinking a glass of milk may help ease heartburn symptoms. If you are lactose intolerant choose lactose free products. Foods to avoid heartburn during pregnancyAny specific foods that aggravate heartburn should be avoided (for example, coffee, cola, tea, alcohol, chocolate, fatty or fried foods, citrus fruits and juices, spicy foods, tomato, mint, etc.). GingerGinger is as natural remedy that helps some people with an upset stomach, nausea, or vomiting. However, ginger has not been approved by the FDA for such use. Heartburn during pregnancy facts
Lay on your left side at nightLying on the left side at night may decrease acid reflux just as it does in women who are not pregnant, and other individuals with GERD. In this position, it is physically more difficult for acid to reflux into the esophagus. Occasionally, it may be necessary to sleep in a recliner chair at a 45-degree or greater angle. OTC drugs for heartburn during pregnancyIf recommended by your doctor, you may take over-the-counter (OTC) medications including antacids (Tums, Rolaids, etc.), H2 blockers such as ranitidine (Zantac) or cimetidine (Tagamet), or proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to help relieve heartburn symptoms. Other home remedies for heartburn during pregnancyOther home and natural remedies for heartburn include apple cider vinegar, 2-3 teaspoons in an 8-ounce glass of water. It is believed that even though apple cider vinegar is acidic, it helps balance the acid production in the stomach or buffer the acid activity. Another natural remedy for heartburn involves the use of baking soda (which is sodium bicarbonate) to neutralize stomach acid - mix one tablespoon in ½ cup of water and drink to relieve symptoms. Tell your doctor before using any natural remedies.Finally, some trivia about heartburn during pregnancy: There may be some truth to the popular folklore that if you experience heartburn during pregnancy your baby will have more hair at birth. A 2006 study reported in the journal Birth showed that women who had moderate to severe heartburn gave birth to babies with average to above average amounts of hair, while women who reported no heartburn had babies with less than average or no hair.There is no evidence that homeopathic remedies work to treat heartburn during pregnancy. If you are interested in trying a homeopathic remedy, talk to your doctor first, and consult a registered homeopath. Raise the head of your bedThe two feet of the head of the bed should be raised on 6 to 8 inch blocks. Alternatively, a 6 to 8 inch wedge-shaped foam rubber pad should be used to elevate the upper body. It is important that the foam be firm enough to truly elevate the upper body. The wedge should also extend all the way to the waist so that the entire chest is elevated. Using pillows alone will not work since this can put pressure on the stomach and aggravate symptoms. Sip liquidsSip liquids instead of drinking large glasses of liquids at once. What are the complications of heartburn during pregnancy?Complications of GERD (esophageal bleeding, trouble swallowing, loss of weight, etc.) are uncommon. In non-pregnant circumstances, heartburn is easily and successfully treated since there are several types of medications that are highly effective in relieving heartburn. The problem is that many medications cannot be taken during pregnancy. This weakness resolves after delivery. In addition, the distortion of the organs in the abdomen and the increased abdominal pressure caused by the growing fetus in the uterus promote the reflux of acid during pregnancy. What causes heartburn during pregnancy?Heartburn during pregnancy is caused by a combination of pregnancy hormones and the growing baby inside you pushing on your abdominal organs. Fortunately, heartburn during pregnancy usually goes away after delivery.Foods may also aggravate heartburn during pregnancy. All the same foods that cause heartburn in non-pregnant people can cause heartburn during pregnancy, including: chocolate, peppermint, caffeinated beverages (such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks), fatty foods, and alcohol. What is heartburn during pregnancy?Heartburn (a symptom of GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease) occurs in one-quarter to one-half of all pregnant women. It usually begins in the first or second trimester of pregnancy and continues throughout the remainder of the pregnancy. Fortunately, heartburn during pregnancy is usually mild and intermittent, but it can be troublesome or severe. Here are some tips to help you manage heartburn during pregnancy. When should a doctor be called for heartburn during pregnancy?Call your doctor if you:
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