About Kidney Failure Treatment (Hemodialysis)

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Kidney Failure Treatment (Hemodialysis)

Kidney Failure Treatment (Hemodialysis) |
Kidney Failure Treatment (Hemodialysis) InformationAdjusting to ChangesEven in the best situations, adjusting to the effects of kidney failure and the time you spend on dialysis can be difficult. Aside from the "lost time," you may have less energy. You may need to make changes in your work or home life, giving up some activities and responsibilities. Keeping the same schedule you kept when your kidneys were working can be very difficult now that your kidneys have failed. Accepting this new reality can be very hard on you and your family. A counselor or social worker can answer your questions and help you cope. Many patients feel depressed when starting dialysis, or after several months of treatment. If you feel depressed, you should talk with your social worker, nurse, or doctor because this is a common problem that can often be treated effectively. Conditions Related to Kidney Failure and Their TreatmentsYour kidneys do much more than remove wastes and extra fluid. They also make hormones and balance chemicals in your system. When your kidneys stop working, you may have problems with anemia and conditions that affect your bones, nerves, and skin. Some of the more common conditions caused by kidney failure are extreme tiredness, bone problems, joint problems, itching, and "restless legs." Restless legs will keep you awake as you feel them twitching and jumping. Anemia and Erythropoietin (EPO) Anemia is a condition in which the volume of red blood cells is low. Red blood cells carry oxygen to cells throughout the body. Without oxygen, cells can't use the energy from food, so someone with anemia may tire easily and look pale. Anemia can also contribute to heart problems. Anemia is common in people with kidney disease because the kidneys produce the hormone erythropoietin, or EPO, which stimulates the bone marrow to produce red blood cells. Diseased kidneys often don't make enough EPO, and so the bone marrow makes fewer red blood cells. EPO is available commercially and is commonly given to patients on dialysis. For more information about the causes of and treatments for anemia in kidney failure, see the NIDDK fact sheet Anemia in Kidney Disease and Dialysis. Renal Osteodystrophy The term "renal" describes things related to the kidneys. Renal osteodystrophy, or bone disease of kidney failure, affects 90 percent of dialysis patients. It causes bones to become thin and weak or formed incorrectly and affects both children and adults. Symptoms can be seen in growing children with kidney disease even before they start dialysis. Older patients and women who have gone through menopause are at greater risk for this disease. Itching (Pruritus) Many people treated with hemodialysis complain of itchy skin, which is often worse during or just after treatment. Itching is common even in people who don't have kidney disease; in kidney failure, however, itching can be made worse by wastes in the bloodstream that current dialyzer membranes can't remove from the blood. The problem can also be related to high levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH). Some people have found dramatic relief after having their parathyroid glands removed. The four parathyroid glands sit on the outer surface of the thyroid gland, which is located on the windpipe in the base of your neck, just above the collarbone. The parathyroid glands help control the levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. A cure for itching that works for everyone has not been found. Phosphate binders seem to help some people; these medications act like sponges to soak up, or bind, phosphorus while it is in the stomach. Others find relief after exposure to ultraviolet light. Still others improve with EPO shots. A few antihistamines (Benadryl, Atarax, Vistaril) have been found to help; also, capsaicin cream applied to the skin may relieve itching by deadening nerve impulses. In any case, taking care of dry skin is important. Applying creams with lanolin or camphor may help. Sleep Disorders Patients on dialysis often have insomnia, and some people have a specific problem called the sleep apnea syndrome, which is often signaled by snoring and breaks in snoring. Episodes of apnea are actually breaks in breathing during sleep. Over time, these sleep disturbances can lead to "day-night reversal" (insomnia at night, sleepiness during the day), headache, depression, and decreased alertness. The apnea may be related to the effects of advanced kidney failure on the control of breathing. Treatments that work with people who have sleep apnea, whether they have kidney failure or not, include losing weight, changing sleeping position, and wearing a mask that gently pumps air continuously into the nose (nasal continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP). Many people on dialysis have trouble sleeping at night because of aching, uncomfortable, jittery, or "restless" legs. You may feel a strong impulse to kick or thrash your legs. Kicking may occur during sleep and disturb a bed partner throughout the night. The causes of restless legs may include nerve damage or chemical imbalances. Moderate exercise during the day may help, but exercising a few hours before bedtime can make it worse. People with restless leg syndrome should reduce or avoid caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco; some people also find relief with massages or warm baths. A class of drugs called benzodiazepines, often used to treat insomnia or anxiety, may help as well. These prescription drugs include Klonopin, Librium, Valium, and Halcion. A newer and sometimes more effective therapy is levodopa (Sinemet), a drug used to treat Parkinson's disease. Sleep disorders may seem unimportant, but they can impair your quality of life. Don't hesitate to raise these problems with your nurse, doctor, or social worker. Amyloidosis Dialysis-related amyloidosis (DRA) is common in people who have been on dialysis for more than 5 years. DRA develops when proteins in the blood deposit on joints and tendons, causing pain, stiffness, and fluid in the joints, as is the case with arthritis. Working kidneys filter out these proteins, but dialysis filters are not as effective. Equipment and ProceduresWhen you first visit a hemodialysis center, it may seem like a complicated mix of machines and people. But once you learn how the procedure works and become familiar with the equipment, you'll be more comfortable. Picture of Graft Dialysis Machine The dialysis machine is about the size of a dishwasher. This machine has three main jobs:
Financial IssuesTreatment for kidney failure is expensive, but Federal health insurance plans pay much of the cost, usually up to 80 percent. Often, private insurance or State programs pay the rest. Your social worker can help you locate resources for financial assistance. For more information, see the NIDDK fact sheet Financial Help for Treatment of Kidney Failure. Getting Your Vascular Access ReadyPicture of Arteriovenous Fistula One important step before starting hemodialysis is preparing a vascular access, a site on your body from which your blood is removed and returned. A vascular access should be prepared weeks or months before you start dialysis. It will allow easier and more efficient removal and replacement of your blood with fewer complications. For more information about the different kinds of vascular accesses and how to care for them, see the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) fact sheet Vascular Access for Hemodialysis. Hope Through ResearchThe NIDDK, through its Division of Kidney, Urologic, and Hematologic Diseases, supports several programs and studies devoted to improving treatment for patients with progressive kidney disease and permanent kidney failure, including patients on hemodialysis.
How Diet Can HelpEating the right foods can help improve your dialysis and your health. Your clinic has a dietitian to help you plan meals. Follow the dietitian's advice closely to get the most from your hemodialysis treatments. Here are a few general guidelines.
How Hemodialysis WorksIn hemodialysis, your blood is allowed to flow, a few ounces at a time, through a special filter that removes wastes and extra fluids. The clean blood is then returned to your body. Removing the harmful wastes and extra salt and fluids helps control your blood pressure and keep the proper balance of chemicals like potassium and sodium in your body. One of the biggest adjustments you must make when you start hemodialysis treatments is following a strict schedule. Most patients go to a clinic-a dialysis center-three times a week for 3 to 5 or more hours each visit. For example, you may be on a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule or a Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday schedule. You may be asked to choose a morning, afternoon, or evening shift, depending on availability and capacity at the dialysis unit. Your dialysis center will explain your options for scheduling regular treatments. Researchers are exploring whether shorter daily sessions, or longer sessions performed overnight while the patient sleeps, are more effective in removing wastes. Newer dialysis machines make these alternatives more practical with home dialysis. However, the federal government has not yet established a policy to pay for more than three hemodialysis sessions a week. Picture of Hemodialysis Procedure Several centers around the country teach people how to perform their own hemodialysis treatments at home. A family member or friend who will be your helper must also take the training, which usually takes at least 4 to 6 weeks. Home dialysis gives you more flexibility in your dialysis schedule. With home hemodialysis, the time for each session and the number of sessions per week may vary, but you must maintain a regular schedule by giving yourself dialysis treatments as often as you would receive them in a dialysis unit. Introduction to hemodialysisHemodialysis is the most common method used to treat advanced and permanent kidney failure. Since the 1960s, when hemodialysis first became a practical treatment for kidney failure, we've learned much about how to make hemodialysis treatments more effective and minimize side effects. In recent years, more compact and simpler dialysis machines have made home dialysis increasingly attractive. However, even with better procedures and equipment, hemodialysis is still a complicated and inconvenient therapy that requires a coordinated effort from your whole health care team, including your nephrologist, dialysis nurse, dialysis technician, dietitian, and social worker. The most important members of your health care team are you and your family. By learning about your treatment, you can work with your health care team to give yourself the best possible results, and you can lead a full, active life. Resources: Organizations That Can HelpAmerican Association of Kidney Patients 3505 East Frontage Road Suite 315 Tampa, FL 33607 Phone: 1-800-749-2257 Email: [email protected] Internet: www.aakp.org American Kidney Fund 6110 Executive Boulevard Suite 1010 Rockville, MD 20852 Phone: 1-800-638-8299 or 301-881-3052 Email: [email protected] Internet: www.kidneyfund.org Life Options Rehabilitation Program c/o Medical Education Institute, Inc. 414 D'Onofrio Drive Suite 200 Madison, WI 53719 Phone: 1-800-468-7777 or 608-232-2333 Email: [email protected] Internet: www.lifeoptions.org; www.kidneyschool.org National Kidney Foundation, Inc. 30 East 33rd Street New York, NY 10016 Phone: 1-800-622-9010 or 212-889-2210 Internet: www.kidney.org Additional Reading If you would like to learn more about kidney failure and its treatment, you may be interested in reading AAKP Patient Plan A series of booklets and newsletters that cover the different phases of learning about kidney failure, choosing a treatment, and adjusting to changes. American Association of Kidney Patients 3505 East Frontage Road Suite 315 Tampa, FL 33607 Phone: 1-800-749-2257 Email: [email protected] Internet: www.aakp.org Getting the Most From Your Treatment series A series of brochures based on the National Kidney Foundation's Dialysis Outcomes Quality Initiative (NKF-DOQI). Titles include What You Need to Know About Peritoneal Dialysis, What You Need to Know Before Starting Dialysis, and What You Need to Know About Anemia. Additional patient education brochures include information on diet, work, and exercise. National Kidney Foundation, Inc. 30 East 33rd Street New York, NY 10016 Phone: 1-800-622-9010 or 212-889-2210 Internet: www.kidney.org Medicare Coverage of Kidney Dialysis and Kidney Transplant Services Publication Number CMS-10128 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 7500 Security Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21244-1850 Phone: 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) TDD: 1-877-486-2048 You Can Live: Your Guide for Living with Kidney Failure Publication Number CMS-02119 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 7500 Security Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21244-1850 Phone: 1-800-MEDICARE (633-4227) TDD: 1-877-486-2048 Newsletters and Magazines Family Focus Newsletter (published quarterly) National Kidney Foundation, Inc. 30 East 33rd Street New York, NY 10016 Phone: 1-800-622-9010 or 212-889-2210 Internet: www.kidney.org For Patients Only (published six times a year) ATTN: Subscription Department 18 East 41st Street 20th Floor New York, NY 10017-6222 Renalife (published quarterly) American Association of Kidney Patients 3505 East Frontage Road Suite 315 Tampa, FL 33607 Phone: 1-800-749-2257 Email: [email protected] Internet: www.aakp.org Tests to See How Well Your Dialysis Is WorkingAbout once a month, your dialysis care team will test your blood by using one of two formulas-URR or Kt/V-to see whether your treatments are removing enough wastes. Both tests look at one specific waste product, called blood urea nitrogen (BUN), as an indicator for the overall level of waste products in your system. For more information about these measurements, see the NIDDK fact sheet Hemodialysis Dose and Adequacy. When Your Kidneys FailHealthy kidneys clean your blood by removing excess fluid, minerals, and wastes. They also make hormones that keep your bones strong and your blood healthy. When your kidneys fail, harmful wastes build up in your body, your blood pressure may rise, and your body may retain excess fluid and not make enough red blood cells. When this happens, you need treatment to replace the work of your failed kidneys. |
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